Why us?

Baseball in the
Dominican Republic
Over 30% of all professional minor league players in the USA come from the Dominican Republic (just under 20% in the MLB).
For many kids – and their families – it is the only way out of poverty and not least because of this, baseball is played on this Caribbean island, known in Germany primarily for its beaches, with such intensity and with such a Passion operated in a way that is unrivaled worldwide. Dominican professionals can also be found in Asia and anywhere in the world where you can earn money with a bat and glove.
4 Reasons Why the D.R. is the Best Place for Baseball:

Baseball is a summer game, and it's always summer in the DR .
Baseball is basically the only sport in the DR, everyone knows about it, everyone loves baseball
The Dominicans have recognized which physical attributes are most important and have become masters in
5 physical tools that the scouts are primarily looking at in order to teach them effectively.
There are professional academies in every village , run by ex-pros, who sign young players and sell them for a large portion of the signing bonus. Baseball is a big, lucrative business in the DR. Most kids live and train in these "academies" under harsh conditions, but the potential price is worth almost any sacrifice.
Our successes
Well-known young German players who lived and trained for months at RuizBull (or previously TroskyBull) in the DR: Yannic Walther, Tim Fischer, Cesar Fabian Aquino, Paul Hoff, Simon Bäumer, Noah Lindt, Tristan Russell, Luca Hörger, Niklas Rossius, Kenny Fermin, Jonathan Schäffer, Pepe Stockhaus, Finn Niemeyer, Kyran Norgren and many, many more

Georg Bull had been running a first local academy with Trosky Bull in Boca Chica since 2018 together with US baseball guru Nate Trosky (www.troskybaseball.com), but wanted a change after the painful Covid years and the general developments in Boca Chica. Patico Ruiz , who as described was and is at home in beautiful Cabarete, toyed with the idea of opening something similar there in the north. Georg Bull and Patico talked about it, and the rest is history.
Patico's cousin Alfre Ruiz, also a baseball entrepreneur, trainer and agent, drew attention to the villa, which was for sale in the immediate vicinity of the baseball field and the beach. It was inspected, bought, extensively renovated and everything that could be moved - such as the large, covered, professional batting cage - was dismantled and brought from Boca Chica to Cabarete with the batteries, equipment, furniture, etc. in a large semi-trailer truck... Trosky Bull was dissolved (TB still exists as a travel camp), RuizBull was founded.
Further tournament successes, measures and activities here:
.....auf der DBA Homepage unter Suchen Ruiz Bull eingeben und Du findest viele Berichte und Fotos derer, die schon Wochen oder Monate in Cabarete bei uns verbracht haben....
... enter Ruiz Bull on the DBA Homepage under Search and you will find many reports and photos of player that spend weeks or months