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Terms & Conditions


Waiver of Liability Release

For and in consideration of the undersigned participant's registration with RuizBull Academy ("Organization") and being allowed to participate in events and member activities, participant and the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of participant waive, release and relinquish any and all claims for liability and cause(s) of action, including for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death occurring to participant or participant’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) arising out of participation in events, or sports, and/or activities incidental thereto, whenever or however they occur and for such period said activities may continue, and by this agreement any such claims, rights, and causes of action that participant and/or participant's parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may have are hereby waived, released and relinquished, and participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) do so on behalf of their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. Participant and participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) acknowledge, understand and assume all risks relating to events or sports participation and activities incidental thereto, and understand that activities incidental thereto involve risks to participant's and participant's arent('s)/guardian('s) person including bodily injury, partial or total disability, paralysis and death, and damages which may arise there from and that we have full knowledge of said risks.

These risks and dangers may be caused by the negligence of the participant, participant's parent(s)/guardian(s)or the negligence of others, including the organization, its affiliates, members, event hosts, other participants, other parents and legal guardians, coaches, officials, sponsors, advertisers, owners and operators of the premises used to conduct any event and each of them, their officers, directors, agents and employees (collectively, "releasees"), and include risks arising from the conditions and use of facilities and related premises.

Participant and participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) further acknowledge that there may be risks and dangers not known to the organization or not reasonably foreseeable at this time.


Participant and participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) acknowledge, understand and assume the risks, if any, arising from the conditions and use of facilities and related premises, whether as a participant or a spectator, including without limitation, the risks involved with participating in the Organization’s activities. Participant and participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) further acknowledge and understand that included within the scope of this waiver and release is any cause of action (including any cause of action based on negligence) arising from the performance, or failure to perform, maintenance, inspection, supervision or control of said areas and for the failure to warn of dangerous conditions existing at said facilities, for negligent selection of certain releasees, or negligent supervision or instruction by releasees.

Participant and participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) acknowledge and understand the Organization reserves the right to photograph facilities, activities and program participants for potential future use. All photos remain the property of the Organization and may be used for publicity and
promotional services. Participant and participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) further grant RuizBull Academy permission to contact them electronically or via mail with information about other news, events, services, products, and/or sponsor promotions unless unsubscribed from its marketing list.

Consent to Medical Treatment of Minor
Participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) hereby give consent to have their child treated by a physician or surgeon in case of sudden illness or injury while participating in RuizBull Academy activities. All efforts will be made to contact the participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) before procedures are performed. It is understood that the Organization provides no medical insurance for such treatment under its liability insurance coverage. Travel insurance may provide emergency medical coverage when traveling abroad and can provide emergency medical repatriation if deemed necessary.


The location of the activity or the nature of the illness or injury may require the use of emergency medical personnel. Participant and participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) agree if any claim for personal injury or wrongful death is commenced against releasees, he/she shall defend, indemnify and save harmless from any and all claims or causes of action by whomever or wherever made or presented for his/her personal injuries, property damage or wrongful death.

Participant and participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) acknowledge that they have been provided and have read the above paragraphs and have not relied upon any representations of releasees, that they are fully advised of the potential dangers and risks and understand these waivers and releases are necessary to allow the activities of the Organization to exist in its present form.

Travel Insurance and Refunds

Travel insurance is not provided by RuizBull Academy but is highly recommended. All fees paid to RuizBull Academy are non-refundable;
however, participants may be reimbursed for the full cost of their trip depending on the travel insurance purchased. Participant and participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) understand the refund policy and affirm they have been advised to purchase travel insurance. Participant and participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) understand that travel insurance is not included with this trip and RuizBull Academy, its affiliates, travel agents and/or agencies are not responsible for any loss that may incur.
Participant and participant's parent(s)/guardian(s) may purchase travel insurance through a third-party provider and understand that RuizBull Academy, its affiliates, travel agents and/or agencies are not responsible for any loss not covered by any policy purchased.


I certify that I am the participant or parent/guardian of participant (if under 18 years of age) and agree to the terms above.

________________________________ _______________
Participant Signature Date Signed

Participant Name (Printed/Druckschrift)

________________________________ _______________
Participant Parent/Guardian Signature Date Signed (Mother/Father)


----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
Participant Parent/Guardian Signature Date Signed



Cabarete, 57000, Dominican Republic

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RuizBull Academia de Baseball

Sector La Paz, calle principal, La Ciénega,


Dominikanische Republik


Georg Bull & Pedro Fernandez Ruiz



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​Terms and Conditions

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